Some stuff to fix
On Firefox the achievements don't work, I had to restart the game by going to another browser to get the achievements
If you go in a perfectly straight line while drawing you don't lose ink, I abused this exploit to speed run the game.
If you make a giant box around the cat or beehive, the bees can't touch the cat, the box may move the cat but if you make the box bigger and put the drawn box in another drawn box you can't be moved. Use the infinite ink glitch to make the second box.
The more boxes you make within boxes, the more it confuses the bees ai, during 1 stage the bees went AWAY from my cat and STAYED in one spot.
If you REALLY screw up the bees ai, they will leave the screen and once gone, they NEVER RETURN, THEY'RE BASICALLY DEAD AND CAN'T HARM YOU.
Aside from these bugs and exploits the game was very easy and fun to speed run, beat the game's 5 level achievement in 5m 48s.